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Success Is Not For Losers: What You Need Know To Be Successful

Success comes to those that put in the hard work and are willing to sacrifice almost anything to reach their goals. When you have a start-up business, many will get lost in things such as the numbers, spreadsheets and more that you think defines you and your business. In the meantime, the focus for delivering your product or service diminishes.

Soon, once you take your eyes off the statistics, you will notice that you have slipped away. Away from your friends, family, and quite possibly your girlfriend or wife. You have no more paychecks and no one is burning up your phone trying to give you money. When you start to come out of the fog you\’re going to realize that you feel as if you have gained nothing and have nothing to show for your time. It\’s easy to get caught up in the mechanics of your website, Google Analytic\’s, and your email campaigning.

What you are lacking are customers. This is obvious right? It should be but more often than not it\’s the statistics that are so much fun. Let us not forget though that without customers, your statistics are worthless. It takes a good year or two to build your business. This is where others with the same dreams fail. They didn\’t put in the time that is necessary to cultivate customer\’s. Without customers, you have no business to speak of.

The simplest way to make my point would be that you think of that show \”Shark Tank\”. What is almost always their first question to entrepreneurs? How much have you profited over the last year or two? They want spreadsheets that are professional and are working from true stats, not some \”pie in the sky\” examples filled with projections. Model your success as if you have been asked to come on their show, and start making viable statistics based on facts gathered due to actual interaction with customers. Need help? Contact Paintless Dent School, we have many ideas and business plans that can aid you in your quest for success.

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