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How Are You Answering Your Potential Customer Calls? Part II



The very reason why you want to improve your current phone procedures is because it’s critical to the growth of your business. For you, a PDR technician, each phone call is your lifeline, if you blow it then you also blow paying your house payment or eating. It’s just that simple.

Keeping track of your statistics, analyzing how many calls turn into sales, is an effective way to score your successes and failures. This will help you to see what needs to be worked on and hopefully prompt you to take the measures needed to make it right.

It’s important that you don’t put unrealistic expectations on yourself. It’s impossible to convert every call into a sale. A call though, should have your full attention every single time. Based on Google’s search data, the most valued lead that you can possibly get is generated through a phone call. When you get a phone call, you have a customer who is at the closest point of buying of any other kind of lead that you might get. Think about this.

Next you need to consider the reason many of these leads aren’t converted into business. This is due to one big missed opportunity: asking for the business. According to statistics, technicians will miss most business because they are only asking for the business 13 percent of the time. However, if you ask for the business, the customer is 10.4 times more likely to be converted into a sale.

Most technicians don’t ask for the business they’re scared of the selling aspect and discussing price. While this seems overwhelming, it’s not as hard as we make it out to be. Ease in with “So, when can I set you up with an appointment so that I can come out and give you an exact quote?” or “I’m free this afternoon at 2pm if you’d like me to come out and take a look?” See? How hard is that?

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