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PDR Technology Training: Student Behavior and Conduct Part V

Finally, the final Rules of the school that apply to you the student.

13. Solicitation which reflects unfavorably upon the school and/or its students.

14. Vandalism of school property-Okay, hold up your hand if you\’re an adult. You are in a professional school environment and expected to act like an adult. You are neither in Jr High, or High school. Tagging the side of the building, breaking a desk on purpose, destroying the break room, clogging of the toilets with bunches of toilet paper, shaking the soda machine or junk food machine to its demise, or any other infraction you can think of to property will be immediate grounds for dismissal. Any questions?

15. Any form of gang related activity including but not limited to the wearing of gang colors and/or attire-You really need to leave all gang related or associated things and people at home. You are clearly in school to make a go at a career and perhaps change the direction your life is going. If so, this is commendable, but no matter what your reasons for coming to school and learning a trade, your gang affiliation, and all other gang collateral need to be kept out.

16. Fighting, physical or verbal-This is an adult school not the school playground. You\’re an adult! Keep it in check, no matter how provoked you are. Report this type of activity immediately. Not you or any other student have to stand to be treated disrespectfully and whoa to the student that takes a swing. Zero tolerance!

17. Verbal confrontation with any employee and/or student-Two words, Grow Up! This is neither the time or the place for verbal confrontations. What would possess a person to attach someone verbally in a school environment? In the eyes of the school, there is absolutely nothing that can explain away inappropriate attitudes and actions, nothing.

Hopefully you are packed and ready to start school. Be assured that we incorporate these rules and expectations not to be a dictatorship but to secure your right to a safe, learning environment.

Questions? Paintless Dent School.

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