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Ford Has An Aluminum Show And Tell About The 2015 F-150 Part I


Ford is making its rounds throughout the US trying to introduce their new F-150 before it hits the Showrooms this fall. They were fully aware that releasing a truck made with military grade aluminum alloy would raise some eyebrows and ruffle some feathers. True to their suspicions it created quite an uproar in the automotive industry; especially as it pertains to collision repair.

Ford is using bright and creative ways to grab the attention of the naysayers and opening the minds of those that are on the fence. On the fence is an easier audience than naysayers. At least on the fence has an open mind, naysayers are know-it-alls who haven\’t done any investigating or research on their own. These are the followers that believe, without question, those that have a loud voice but nothing to back it. I\’m sure you know the type.

In New Orleans, in February, Ford offered up a convention display that is nothing like what the masses are used to. In fact, by the time they were finished, it looked as if what they displayed was an over-sized Fisher-Price toy. This toy store approach was done in an effort to make a point to dealers and industry specialists, that this truck was not only an economical necessity but that repairing the aluminum truck is cost efficient for everyone including the customer. Dealerships with body shops attached would realize the efficiency and monetary gain that can be had and the fact that it just makes sense.

Jim Farley, Ford global vice president of marketing, sales, and service says \”We\’ve made a lot of really significant changes for repairability\” and further says \”They will help save a lot of labor costs.\”

To find out more and to understand what this means to you as a PDR Technician, follow me through the series.



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