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A Florida Man Caught Repairing Vehicles with Play-doh

Believe it or not, a Florida man was arrested for allegedly “Fixing” cars with Play-doh. This happened in January of 2013 and shows you that anything can happen.

Play-doh is used by children as a creative outlet for making things like spaghetti, hair, people, houses, animals, desserts and more. Even adults enjoy playing with Play-doh, usually with the children, but also enjoy seeing what they can create with the malleable substance.

Apparently, the defendant was charged with retail theft and scheming to defraud. He reportedly roamed around his neighborhood, keeping an eye out for cars that needed body work, and then offered to fix them. Johnson, the defendant, used the Play-doh to make it look like he had started on the first stages of the body work and would promise to come back the next day after it had a chance to dry and finish the job. As I am sure you can guess, he didn’t come back, not ever!

According to Consumer Attorney’s, in most states it is required to have your business registered as a repair shop plus there needs to be disclosure statements and offer an estimate. In this incident, the defendant did neither. Let this serve as a lesson to check with your state to figure out just exactly what is expected of you to perform the work that you are choosing to do.

Back to the Play-doh, I can assure you that here at Paintless Dent School we don’t train on how to use Play-doh. You are trained on how to use industry standard practices using tools that are created for Paintless Dent Removal and can in no way be mistaken for Play-doh.

The defendant used the Play-doh so that it appeared as Bondo. We don’t use bondo for anything and invite you to give us a call to learn the correct methods of repairing dents.

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